Dave Gauder Angel Of Strength

Dave Gauder Angel Of Strength


About My Work

Big Dave works with all age groups from 6 years old up and is a Community Engagement Champion

Big Dave works with all age groups from 6 years old up and is a Community Engagement Champion

Dave Gauder (Big Dave) 

My primary work is all about supporting Children and Young People around the issues that affect them on a daily basis. As these concerns can lead them down the wrong pathway, which can lead onto all sorts of 'Negative Influences' which in turn can lead to the 'Wrong Choices and Decisions in their life. Therefore it is essential to reach out to these Children at an early age to ensure they are aware of the dangers of these 'Negative Influences' and to let them know how to avoid and stay away from. This acts a Disruptor and lets them know who they can turn to should they face them.

My  secondary work is around the brand of The Strength Of Britain that has being set up to aid Importers and Exporters and covers Both Education and Business Building bridges between the two. I am now a member of the Commonwealth Business Club that is seen as a conduit to reach countries across the Globe. 

I am very proud and humbled and immensely gratified to have been introduced into a life saving and life changing global program. Through this work I have been appointed as the Global Ambassador and Director of Education for a mosquito / malaria and vector bourne diseases eradication program for Africa. 

Some more of my Achievements:

Multi Award winning Social Champion with various recognition.
World Renowned Strength Athlete with some of the most powerful and enigmatic World Records to my credit.
Key Note & Motivational Speaker.
Anti Bullying And Early Intervention Champion.
National Crime Beat Ambassador.
Ambassador For My Home Town Birmingham #su4Brum.
Strength Athlete and Strength Coach & Personal Trainer
Health, Nutrition, and Well Being Adviser.

I have now presented to over 1 million Young People and Children who have received presentations around issues imposing on their lives on a daily basis and the consequences this brings. 

I have worked in Partnership with over 30 Police Forces and Local Authorities around various Campaigns and have been mentioned in many Chief Constable Reports for my contribution to those crime Campaigns. 

My SLAMH Work & Anti Bullying Early Intervention Work has now been Embedded into Schools, Pupil Referral Units, Young Offenders, The Probation Service and The Prison Service. As these programmes are all about Building Safe Positive Relationships and Bringing Communities Together. 

I would welcome the opportunity to work with your Company or Organisation to compliment, support, promote and carry your brand name as only I can. With opportunities for Positive Press Coverage and Public Relations that can be gained from myself and my Partners, I can deliver your Brand Message and Mission Statements to your stakeholders around the area of Responsibility for ECR and CSR.  

I deliver top rated work as my track record of working with large companies and organisations would confirm. I have worked previously with Blue Chip companies,  British Telecom, Network Rail, LandRover and many more businesses, as well as with Police and Education Authorities across the UK on various Campaigns as well as with Home Office and MOD National Campaigns.