Testimonials Page
Hundreds of letters of support from headteachers, senior police officers, government & local authority figures fill a few crates in Dave Gauder the Angel of Strength's garage. Some of them are more than a thank you - stories of how the presentation(s) made a real difference to someone. These are just a few of them:
The feats of strength Big Dave has performed in the past are amazing and incredible for the children to witness but the overriding message from the day is what the children remember. Big Dave is such an approachable character that the children will always refer back to him throughout the year and make difficult subjects, such as bullying, easier to talk about and in cases start the process of children being strong enough to talk to someone if they are being bullied.
If there is ever an Anti Bullying week organised, Big Dave is always someone we try and get hold of:As part of the Anti Bullying week 2019, ‘Big Dave’ Gauder was invited into school to talk to the children about Bullying and ways to deal with it. A key message is that’s it’s not about the strength you have in your arms but the power you have in your mind. The children were blown away by Big Daves past, a victim of bullying, and how he reacted and dealt with this to become the person he is today.
Big Dave led a whole school assembly to begin the day and then took time with every class to talk about being aware of Bullies, the power of mental strength and the need to talk. Dave spend lunch with pupils from across the school and talked about the importance of roles models and learnt all about much the school does to support one another.
Big Dave was very well received by the children and taught us all valuable lessons which we intend to take on throughout the years to come. Dave has a fantastic relationship with the children and talks to the children in a way they will remember the message he is sharing. He took the time out of his lunch to sit down and talk to children across the school. His life experiences and the simple and effective message he shares with the children are brought up time and time again across the schools year.
David Simmons
Vice Principal Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School